Einstein's Jewish Science and Contemporary Science and Society

Einstein's Jewish Science and Contemporary Science and Society

First, good news. Einstein's Jewish Science, the book project I have been working on with my colleague Stephen Stern has been picked up by the Johns Hopkins University Press. It should make it to bookstore shelves by March 2012.

The project examines ways in which Einstein's science fits (or doesn't) into the politics of the time and the community he came out of. We often hold to a naive view of science in which practitioners are a combination of Joe Friday asking for "just the facts, ma'am" and Mister Spock using nothing but cold logic on those facts. But the fact is that the scientific project is undertaken by people and embedded in a larger context and that context does play some role in what science gets done and how it gets done. We are not making the absurd move that the theory of relativity is Talmudic in origin (it isn't), but asking the more intricate question about where the cultural residue that covers all human activities might be located with Einstein.

Where is it with current science? A federal court is right now reviewing whether embryonic stem cell research on new lines can move forward with government funding. Here's a place where contemporary politics and religion are affecting research. Are there others?

- It's Alive!: Einstein's Jewish Science Is Available
I've gotten independent confirmation from two sources -- including my friend Mohunch -- that Einstein's Jewish Science: Physics at the Intersection of Politics and Religion is now available.  The first batch has already been shipped to pre-order...

- What Do You Think? Cover For Einstein's Jewish Sceince
My next book, Einstein's Jewish Science: Physics at the Intersection of Politics and Religion, is due out in April and my publisher, Johns Hopkins University Press, has sent me a work up of a cover. Not sure what I think about it and have gotten a...

- Why Do We Love Einstein?
Today is Einstein's birthday and as I put the finishing touches on the manuscript, Einstein's Jewish Science: Physics at the Intersection of Politics and Religion, I am thinking about the question in the last chapter -- why do we love Einstein?...

- "defending Einstein" Is Out!
I know, I know, after your summer beach reading, you're up to here with Hans Reichenbach's early writings on the theory of relativity... but for that hard to buy for philosophy of science geek on your Chirstams list... Hans Reichenbach was one...

- Einstein & Religion...an Easter Offering
Just an offering during this movable feast...an article by M. Barone... Abstract: While Special and General Relativity are well known by a very large number of people, Einstein's religious convictions are almost ignored. The paper focuses on what...

