Democrats Are Finally Growing a Spine!

Having lost the most recent election despite having done some good work for the past two years (that's how wussy these people have been, that they allow themselves to get voted out of office simply because they don't have to guts to stand up for their own values and work record), it seems at least a few Democrats are starting to wake up from their wimpy slumber and stand up to conservatives.
Some of the inspiration comes from Senator Bernie Sanders, who recently spoke truth to power when he delivered an impassioned speech with the kind of honesty and straight-shooting that we often forget politicians are capable of. Now, Sanders is technically an independent, but that's at least one person willing to stand up to the Republicans. Hopefully the Democrats will start to follow suit soon.
Some, unfortunately, have decided to grow some balls only once they've been voted out of office:
Still, better late than never...
Now, it would be unfair to generalize the corruption and greed to all wealthy people.
In fact, there is a growing movement of concerned 'patriotic millionaires' who, understanding the difficulties of our economic crisis, are calling for a raise in their taxes to help alleviate the problem.
The Party Of Hard Work And Personal Responsibility: An Athropologist From Mars Looks At The Election
Sometimes it's good to step back and take a broad look at things and see if they make sense. O.k, so let me see if I understand what is happening here with the Presidential campaign. Take the two presidential candidates and the last two Presidents....
Herman Cain's Butterfly Effect
UPDATE: Either Matt Bors and I think alike...or he reads the Playground... O.k., so Herman Cain argues two things: (1) the sexual harassment and assault claims against him are false, and (2) they are part of a Democratic conspiracy against him. The first...
The Mother Of All Gimmicks
Guest-post today from YKW: Not being a reporter, I have no personal knowledge of any of the following, but my own cynical view of the McCain Bailout stunt is a bit more conspiratorial than I've seen reported so far. Here are the facts: 1. McCain's...
Weakness Is Provocative
Tom Dachle was at Gettysburg last week with Dick Armey to give a public discussion on current events. The attraction to hear Tom Daschle talk about politics is much like the desire to go see the Temptations, never a big fan but it evokes a sense of nostalgia...
"house Passes Heavy Tax On Bonuses At Rescued Firms"--ny Times
Normally, I would not pursue this topic but it is curious to note what is happening here. It just isn't the amount of money involved. Sure it is high but small considering what the U. S. Government has invested in A. I. G and other companies. What...