Berkeley Groks

Berkeley Groks

The half-hour program is equal parts newscast and freewheeling conversation between the two hosts, Ling and Lee, who cover the week’s developments in the scientific world with an approachable, funny, and at times downright irreverent style.


INTERVIEW DESCRIPTION: The theory of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin has served as the basis for modern biological research. But, is evolution at odds with religious beliefs? On this program, Prof. Francisco Ayala from U.C. Irvine discussed Darwin and Religion.


Berkeley Groks


Internet Archive

- Darwin's Dangerous Idea - Born Equal
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection provides a wonderful scientific explanation of biological adaptation and diversity. The theory is wonderful. The process of evolution itself is torturous, blind, indifferent, and cruel....

- What Darwin Never Knew
Darwin's idea of evolution through natural and sexual selection has been dubbed by many as perhaps the greatest single idea anyone has ever come up with. In a remarkable stroke of genius, Chuck was able to bridge the gap between the world of inanimate...

- What Darwin Didn't Know
Darwin has become an icon of scientific virtue, not only because he sought naturalistic explanations for the biological phenomena around him, as well as the mechanisms through which nature, unaided by some supernatural force or agency, would gradually...

- Templeton Prize 2010...winner Announced
The winner of this year’s $1.5 million Templeton Prize is NAS member Francisco Ayala, a biologist, evolutionary geneticist, and philosopher at the University of California, Irvine. Ayala is best-known for developing highly accurate ways to measure...

- Olivia Judson [new York Times] Celebrates Darwin
Olivia Judson of The New York Times has begun a series of essays on Charles Darwin. "In a week or so, the trumpets will sound, heralding the start of 18 months of non-stop festivities in honor of Charles Darwin. July 1, 2008, is the 150th anniversary...

