Belief in Evolution versus National Wealth
I have no idea how many of you follow items I share but don't actually post as entries on this blog, so it just occurred to me that you may not have seen the following picture (from Calamities of Nature), which represents a disturbing picture concerning our place in the intersection between financial wealth and sophistication in biological science :(

And if you do want to keep up with interesting and funny articles and other bits I share, you can follow me on twitter, or my google shared items page (to which you can also subscribe through its rss feed), or add me to your google+ circles (which also links to my google buzz). Is your head is spinning yet? :)
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We May Need A Break, But You Can Still Follow Us
As you probably know already, I consider this blog as purely a project of love and civic duty. It's my way of contributing a little bit to the world by sharing interesting, and hopefully thought-provoking, things I come across. I make no money from...
Philosophy Monkey Hits Facebook!
You can now follow the Philosophy Monkey blog on Facebook: ...
Greed...the New York Times
A small notice placed in the upper right hand section of the online paper...A Change to Free Monthly AccessBeginning in April, nonsubscribers will have access to 10 free articles per month on instead of 20. ----------Why is The Times changing...
Google Video--gone
This sucks. Throughout this blog I have linked to Google Video material. I do not have the time to make corrections and apologize for the stupidity of Google's decision. There will be gaps in the blog's content. This is why I am very reluctant...
The Shrinking Internet
This is not good news at all but time will determine its impact. "Google to limit free newspaper articles" by Jefferson Graham December 1st, 2009 USA TODAY Google, which has come under fire for making newspaper content easier to read without buying...