An Existentialist Take on Christmas

Sure, everyone loves Christmas. And what's not to like? Good company, good food, exchanging gifts, the priceless look of uninhibited happiness in children, to say nothing of the delicious milk and cookies left by the fireplace? :)
But have you ever wondered whether Santa himself loves the holiday? Does his annual pilgrimage around the world not remind you of a futility not unlike that of Sisyphus and his cursed boulder? In today's video, Santa becomes an existentialist tragic hero...
And unless you want to experience existential despair during your travels, make sure not to fly out of Franz Kafka's International Airport :)
Christmas Questions
A few things I've never understood about the whole Christmas thing: How is it a silent night if you are all out in it singing "Silent Night"? Who was Carol anyway? If it is Jesus' birthday why do you get the presents? If a child was an avid coal...
Why Absurd Sisyphus?
The blogging name Absurd Sisyphus is a mixture of two philosophical ideas from the French existentialist philosopher Albert Camus. He was writing in the time around the second world war up until his death in a car crash, early January 1960. He was an...
Franz Kafka...existentialism...birthday Today
Much admired by the counter culture of the 60s...Existential representation by Franz Kafka. The Writer's Almanac... Today is the birthday of Franz Kafka, born in Prague (1883). He was unhappy for most of his life: terrified of his tyrannical father,...
Santa Confirms Pluto As A Planet
Excerpt from an interview... "Pluto... now that's the one that really interests me. It's the most distant planet by far, 39 times farther from the Sun than Earth. It takes 247 Earth years to go around the Sun just once. Think of it -- only one...
"sock" It To Me Christmas
The customary "Christmas stocking"--never knew this: What a delightful tale and significance of an orange placed in the toe of a sock. In this political season polls and focus groups seem to be all the rage. It is a trend that isn't lost on us here...