A History of Catholic Church Sex Scandals

The Catholic Church has recently found itself smack in the middle of the same controversy that we've all unfortunately become accustomed to hearing about over the past few years: perverted priests have been molesting children, and as usual, instead of publicly condemning these pedophiles and turning them over to the proper authorities, the church's response has been to reassign these monsters to new parishes and unleash them on unsuspecting communities full of pre-pubescent ass ripe for the tapping.
What wasn't known until very recently is that Darth Ratzinger, the Pope himself, has been behind this institutional policy for decades, but surprise surprise... it doesn't end there. As it turns out, pedophilia and the Catholic Church have been like white on rice for as long as the church has existed, as this short but awesome animation demonstrates:
Is it any surprise that Penn & Teller both think that the Catholic Church is bullshit?
From The "irony Can Be So Ironic" File
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Stephen Fry Vs. Ann Widdecombe On Whether The Catholic Church Is A Force For Good
It seems that in an effort to attract a larger audience to their already impressive intellectual and rhetorical displays, Intelligence Squared, the Oxford-style debate house, is taking a page from the RSA Animate playbook and animating some highlights...
Bill Maher - Catholics Come Home Spoof
Once the most powerful institution in the world, the Catholic Church has been experiencing the number of its faithful dwindle over the past few decades. I won't speculate as to why this is the case, but the point is that this real estate power house...
The Devil - Child-abusing Priests
When it comes to evil, no one does it better than the devil... except for Catholic priests who abuse children. That's just crossing the line... Check out the long and embarrassing history of child abuse in the Church. .
Better Late Than Never...copernicus Reburied
"Copernicus reburied with full Catholic honours" 'Science and faith can be reconciled' by Lester Haines May 24th, 2010 The Register The remains of Nicolaus Copernicus were reburied on Saturday, with the Polish Catholic church out in force to...