5 Things Every Presenter Needs to Know about People

5 Things Every Presenter Needs to Know about People

If you haven't already, at some point in your life you will most likely have to deliver some sort of presentation to an audience. And if you want it to go well, you need to make sure you know your material inside and out. But while mere knowledge and understanding of the material are necessary conditions for a successful presentation, they are not sufficient.

Remember that you are speaking to an audience, and for your presentation to make an impact on them, you have to understand some things about how their minds work, and find that sweet spot between saying the things you want to say and how those things will resonate with them, so here are 5 things to keep in mind:

If it's nervousness that gets you, just picture your audience naked... and if you're a guy, and your audience consists of really hot women, you might want to make sure there's a podium in front of you, just in case :p

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