"Pluto a planet" poll

"Pluto a planet" poll

Should Pluto be considered a planet?

Yes....9 [90%]
No....1 [10%]

Just a guess, but I would bet that those voted "Yes" are lay persons and not bona fide astronomers. Such controversy. Simply put...if the astronomers wish to redefine the characteristics of a planet and thus change Pluto's status--that's fine, but for the populace, Pluto can remain a planet.

"Naming Pluto"--a film


Pluto...a reader's contribution

Pluto not fitting definition

"The Pluto Files" by Neil deGrasse Tyson

Tyson, Weintraub, Tombaugh & Pluto

Tyson's interview with "Time" on Pluto and planets

What's in a name?--Pluto

- Nova's "pluto Files"
Tonight on most public broadcasting stations NOVA will offer a program entitled Pluto Files. Since its discovery in 1930, Pluto has held a warm place in the public imagination. So, when the American Museum of Natural History's Hayden Planetarium...

- Prairie State Government Declares Pluto A Planet
This will make some people happy. "Illinois restores Pluto's planetary status" 13 March is Pluto Day, senate declares by Lester Haines March 6th, 2009 The Register The State of Illinois has decided it's unhappy with Pluto's 2006 expulsion...

- Pluto Not Fitting Definition
As I have said before, Pluto can remain on the current planetary list for ordinary consideration and would probably be reclassified as a non-planet to suit the efficacy of an astronomical definition. The guy/gal on the street need not bother about the...

- Tyson, Weintraub, Tombaugh & Pluto
Clyde Tombaugh Alan Boyle, MSNBC's science reporter, discusses Neil deGrasse Tyson's book The Pluto Files and David Weintraub's book Is Pluto a Planet? There is also an interview with Clyde Tombaugh [including video clips]. MSNBC Tyson's...

- "the Pluto Files" By Neil Degrasse Tyson
The Pluto Files by Neil deGrasse Tyson ISBN-10: 0393065200 ISBN-13: 978-0393065206 Well, Mr. Tyson may be stepping on some toes here. A review by Manuela Hoelterhoff, "Pluto's Enemy Speaks; Lady Comet Hunter: Manuela Hoelterhoff", appeared at...

