"Doctor Atomic"--Great Performances at the Met

"Doctor Atomic"--Great Performances at the Met

PBS on Monday evening [December 29th] will offer Great Performances at the Met's opera "Doctor Atomic"..."John Adams's contemporary masterpiece explores a momentous episode of modern history: the creation of the atomic bomb. Movie director Penny Woolcock makes her Met debut with this production. Baritone Gerald Finley plays J. Robert Oppenheimer, the title character, in this gripping adaptation of a story that changed the course of world history. Alan Gilbert conducts...."

"Doctor Atomic"

- J. Robert Oppenheimer
J. Robert Oppenheimer April 22nd, 1904 to February 18th, 1967 J[ulius] Robert Oppenheimer was a U.S. theoretical physicist and science administrator, noted as director of the Los Alamos laboratory during development of the atomic bomb [1943-45] and as...

- "pbs Science Programs" Poll
Do you watch PBS science programs? Yes...2 No...0 Sometimes...3 PBS is probably the most common source of science programs with free access. For the most part they are informative and thoughtful. Two recent good programs were "Absolute Zero" and "The...

- "the Trials Of J. Robert Oppenheimer"
Coming Monday, January 26th on PBS's American Experience..."The Trials of J. Robert Oppenheimer". PBS: The Trials of J. Robert Oppenheimer (2 hours) Robert Oppenheimer's life and legacy are inextricably linked to America's most famous top-secret...

- "doctor Atomic"...revisionism Of Science History
Oh my, I don't think opera will be same again. It is a delight to see the tremendous ethical issues involved in the production and deployment of a nuclear weapon. Atonement for such decisions is inevitable and this particular event will be debated...

- "doctor Atomic"
"Those who most long for peace now pour their lives on war." Kitty Oppenheimer [played by Sasha Cooke] Okay, opera is not for everyone...no car crashes, no superheroes fighting a city's evil elements, no computer graphic images but it does have...

